Make Recovery Yours!

Recovery is Possible
Recovery is not a straight line with a beginning, and end point. Recovery is yours, unique to you, and you may have set backs; symptoms, good days, and bad days. All of that is part of recovery, don’t lose hope. It is a good idea to sit down with loved ones and develop a recovery plan, for when set backs do occur. Stress can be a trigger, for symptoms. In your recovery plan identify stress management techniques to reduce stress, also identify people, or community resources that can provide you support in times of crisis.
Stress Management Tips
10 Guiding Principles of Recovery


Tips for SucessPartnership
Creating a partnership with your provider, is part of self-determination, and taking a role in your recovery. When you take an active role this creates an open relationship where you can speak freely, and develop a trusting mutual relationship with your mental health provider.
Also, attend all your scheduled appointments to continue to have feedback, and ongoing assessment for symptom management. It is ideal when the doctor and the person living in recovery can truly communicate with each other. Having trust, and collaboration with the doctor gives the patient an opportunity to say what is on his, or her mind about medication, side effects, stressors, and recovery goals. Also, be involved in your treatment plan goals! You should be working towards them, and reviewing them with your provider at your appointments, the goals should drive your treatment progress.
Approach your appointments with providers proactively, before you attend the appointment with the provider, make a list of all the things you would like to talk discuss with your provider. Also consider bringing a support person with you, this additional collateral information is valuable to your recovery. A journal is a great way to keep track of symptoms, and good days, as well as bad days.
It’s very important to be comfortable asking the doctor questions, and have ongoing dialogue about your thoughts, and concerns. Medication compliance is a vital piece of recovery. There are numerous medications available depending on your symptoms, find the right one for you with effective communication, and make a commitment to take your medications as prescribed.

Support each other!

Peer Support

Peer Support

Another consideration in your recovery is supportive relationships. There are many types of supports; community, family support, and peer support. The type of support system you have is unique, and personal to you!
Check out your local community to identify drop in centers, and community based recovery groups. These types of community based resources will be a great venue to develop relationships with people who have a similar, or shared experience. A relationship based on shared experiences can have therapeutic qualities based on empathy, and understanding of the struggles of recovery, and living with chronic symptoms.
Peer Support
Depending on where you are at in your recovery, getting out of your home may be difficult, if this is the case, set some small goals to create some structure, and purpose to your week. Start off small with goals that are realistic to your recovery. Think about developing a hobby as a means to encourage socialization this could lead to development of supportive relationships.
Tips for Emotional Help

Lifestyle changes


Healthy Choices!

One of the very first changes you can make towards recovery is taking good care of yourself, and one way to do this is by eating healthy! It is not always easy to eat healthy, especially if you are on a limited budget. Some small changes are incorporating more fruits, and vegetables into your meal planning, also try to limit caffeine, and alcohol from your diet. This is important because alcohol is contraindicated with psychotropic medications. Caffeine can interfere as well with mood, and sleep. Some small mindful changes in diet, can really help improve you overall health, and support your journey in recovery.
Healthy Eating and Depression
Nutrition Resources
Healthy choices for under two dollars



Find the Motivation

Another suggestion I have is attempting to incorporate some exercise into your schedule. I realize this can be challenging for some people, some of the medications that are prescribed can cause sedation, which can interference with motivation. It is important to talk with your provider about side of effects of medications, weight gain is associated with atypical anti-psychotics, and mood stabilizers. Anti-psychotics can also interfere with satiety (feeling full), and energy level. Try to start off simple with walking, set a goal for yourself, and build on that as you progress. Exercise is a great stress management tool, and also has been proven to boost mood, and lower anxiety. Exercise is a great tool for your recovery tool-box.
Benefits of exercise on mood
Using exercise in your recovery can help manage chronic symptoms as well as provide structure, and purpose to your day. It is also a great tool for socialization, and overall health.
Motivational tips